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Vivid Israel

Sustainability & Social Travel

Park Ariel Sharon – Garbage to Gold

Ariel Sharon Park guides environmental restoration and education, embodying a monumental effort to rejuvenate a once-polluted and neglected area into a vibrant eco-friendly retreat. Encompassing approximately 2000 acres, the park offers a array of attractions and activities for visitors to explore. Situated within Israel’s densely populated Coastal Plain, Ariel Sharon Park is an essential green oasis, providing relief from urban congestion while fostering awareness of social and environmental responsibility.

At the heart of the park’s significance lies the transformation of the Hiriya mound, formerly a towering heap of waste adjacent to Ben Gurion Airport, into a central feature of Ariel Sharon Park. Visitors can discover the rehabilitated hill, now adorned with family-friendly picnic areas, an ecological lake, and scenic lookout points offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. The interactive center provides a wealth of information on the park’s restoration journey, guiding visitors through the impressive evolution from landfill to flourishing green space.

A defining aspect of Ariel Sharon Park is its dedication to sustainability and eco-conscious practices. The meticulously maintained gardens near the visitor center showcase innovative techniques such as mini-wetlands, where aquatic plants collaborate with bacteria to treat sewage and purify water for irrigation. Additionally, the park’s commitment to recycling is evident and expressed throughout its infrastructure, with recycled materials used for everything from furniture to building materials. Visitors can participate in lectures and workshops led by experts, gaining valuable insights into how individual actions can contribute to environmental preservation and renewal.

Beyond its environmental initiatives, Ariel Sharon Park serves as an invaluable educational hub, engaging visitors in the importance of conservation and ecological stewardship. Through guided tours, informative exhibits, and interactive activities, the park fosters a deeper appreciation for the natural world while empowering individuals to make positive contributions to their communities.